♦ With PraPazar Sendeo Cargo integration, you can track your orders on PraPazar with your own agreement.
♦ You can send your orders to the contracted courier individually from the orders area in your PraPazar panel.
♦ You can print out special cargo barcodes for Sendeo Cargo on your PraPazar panel.
♦ You can manually print unlimited cargo barcodes for Sendeo Cargo from the PraPazar system.
♦ You can print out a cargo barcode for Sendeo Cargo from the PraPazar panel, paste it on your cargo and ship it. After your cargo is delivered to your courier, when the cargo company officials scan the cargo barcode on it, the status of the order is automatically displayed on your PraPazar panel as Shipped. The delivery deadline of the cargo, the cargo date, the cargo company and the customer information tracking number are automatically transmitted to the marketplace after they arrive in the PraPazar system.